safeguarding: A management perspective.
This course is for those who manage dance schools or own studios and need to ensure everything is in place regarding safeguarding policy, produure and good practice.
Covering all the key elements in the government safeguarding guidance for practitiners in after schhol clubs, community activities and tuition this course will make sure you are up to date on all the eseentials of good safeguatding practice in your school.
We will cover:
- key aspects of health and safety including risk assessment and fire safety procedures
- key aspects of safeguatding children including adult to child ratios, the role of the designated safeguatdig lead and how to address incident of chil on child abuse
- internet safety and the use of phtograhy
- safeguatding adults reposnibilities realtaing to your customers and dancers
- equality, diversity and incusion including key definitions frm the SEND code of practice and discussion about accessibility
- welfare and mental health
- staff suitability and safer recuitement
- coplaints and whistle blowing and information sharingi line with datapeotection and GDPR
This course covers all aspects of best practice around safeguarding in out of schools settings and will ensure you have everything in place to make your school the safest and happiest place it can be.